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oppositional poetry, prose, polemic
Yasmin Khan
I am a child of the earth
Raised by the stars in the sky
Tended by the moon as I sleep
Scars of the world clothe me
Her wounds rich in history.
I am bathed by the tears of the clouds
When it rains, the wind howls-in my ears
When I cry-the earth soaks up my tears
A piece of my soul
Turning to dust;
And like dust, I rise
A storm of stardust
On moonstruck madness..
The sky calls out my name at dawn
Sparking the sun on my breast..
I am a child of the earth
The darkness and the light
The truth, the lie
Sorrow and joy
It's all there in the
Pen that I wield.
Yasmin Khan © 2022
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