Contributors from Australia, Austria, Canada, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Palestine, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Tasmania, Tunisia, Ukraine, USA, Wales, Zimbabwe
visitors since 2007
oppositional poetry, prose, polemic
Recusant Polemic
Gary Beck - An Assertion of Poetry
Peter Dudink - Thoughts On Socialism and Capitalism
Jenny Farrell - NEW: A Marxist Reading of Wuthering Heights
Michael George Gibson - On English Poetry and Poems
Geoffrey Heptonstall - Almost A Whisper Games That People Play: The Teatro Olimpicia Free For All NEW: Psst. Have You Heard About..?
Simon Jenner - The Atkinson Diet: on tabloid "scrounger" rhetoric
Prakash Kona - The Poet as Subverter in the 21st Century Avant-Garde The Communism of Prakash Kona
Alan Morrison - A Scowling Class Apart: A Sketch of James Keir Hardie The Primark Shirted Philanthropists
Christopher Norris - NEW: A Family Business - A Poetic Monograph
Colin Robinson - Just like home – mental health and homelessness – a short comparison between the British and Australian experience
Fred Russell - NEW: Evolution 2: The Roots of Racism
Lynda Stevens - Full-Time Dreamers
Lee Whensley - The Storyteller
“With the abolition of private property, then, we shall have true, beautiful, healthy Individualism. Nobody will waste his life in accumulating things, and the symbol for things. One will live. … Most people exist, that is all.” The Soul Under Socialism, Oscar Wilde