Contributors from Australia, Austria, Canada, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Palestine, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Tasmania, Tunisia, Ukraine, USA, Wales, Zimbabwe
visitors since 2007
oppositional poetry, prose, polemic
Gordon Scapens
Racial Prejudice
The depth of bitterness
blooming in blind opinion.
The language of bigotry
caught in its own trap.
The sound of phobia
trying to fool the world.
The empty promises
falling on deaf ears.
The shape of indignity
from yesterday’s lies.
The trick of blaming
prejudice on victims.
The interaction of ancestors
stalking us for years.
The ambiguity
of who we think we are.
We are our own enemies,
we just don’t know it yet.
Counting Nightmares
He sends men off to war
where he would not go,
marching towards horizons
they cannot see,
and they have no songs,
words dying like flowers,
buried behind the face
of an unknown clock.
There is no time to waste
only time to lose,
and man-made trouble
stares in all our faces,
writing the small print
at the bottom of plans
for forceful policies
perpetrated as peace missions.
This is an uneasy world.
Living is watching peace
walking off the page
and being unable to follow.
War is never over,
man has its measure.
They count soldiers going out,
count nightmares coming back.
This war slays little dragons
while the big one waits.
Gordon Scapens © 2023
Helpline to the Gods
Hello, is that a god
I’m speaking to?
Stop looking inward,
forget the beautiful lie,
I have a complaint.
While you scrabble about
at the fringes of reality,
hiding behind fake news,
this planet of ours
is sinking in its history,
is not fit for the purpose
for which it was intended.
It’s hurrying to a mess,
will end up in a ruin.
Despite your indifference
reacquaint yourself
with your conscience.
We don’t even know
how to cry properly anymore
and have the right to ask
that you promise us
the right sort of tomorrow.
What was that?
Hello, are you still there?
Hello? Hello?
My Cremation
I won`t actually be there of course,
such is the nature of these events,
but my spirit will join you
to prove so many words useless.
Not that I`m looking for silence.
You may tell a few lies
if it stimulates communal smiles,
and sombre faces must be banished.
Just remember the knowing clock
and its reminder of stopped laughter.
Don`t shed your tears for me
and drink something intoxicating
to toast my inspired mediocrity.
Merge slowly with the early hours
to make a celebration worthy
of the warmth of my departure.
Please party until your eyes close,
dance until you drop.
I will just hope Death
is not catching.
Even after the end
I shall still be laughing
the other side of words
and juggling stars.
I’ll be less then, and more.
Gordon Scapens © 2023